Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Spring Training For Writers!

Today's quote is from Sylvia Plath: "...everything in life is writable about if you have the outgoing guts to do it, and the imagination to improvise. The worst enemy to creativity is self-doubt."

Is there a more bitter or successful enemy than the self? I doubt it.

The only way to be successful at anything is to do it. Budding baseball players don't simply read about the game and sit in the bleachers and watch the major league players. Oh, they do study their area of interest, but they also practice, practice, practice. Too few of us are naturally gifted in where our passions lie. That's why there's Spring Training. Writers need to practice, practice, practice, too.

Here are your "Spring Training" assignments:

1. Write for at least 15 minutes TODAY! No excuses. Put a notebook in your bathroom if you need to. Carry a small folder piece of paper and pencil in your pocket or purse.

2. Take a few minutes and see what the late author Richard Laymon had to say about writing in this piece at the Horror Writers Association's website:

3. Observe your surroundings for at least 15 minutes. Look at the world as a writer. Consider what you are observing from multiple viewpoints.

4. Read for AT LEAST 15 minutes and consider just how the author is constructing his/her work. Of course, you should read for enjoyment, but pay attention to style. You're a writer! Ask yourself what can you learn from this writer and this particular piece.

5. Come back here for more tips!

Thanks for visiting and keep writing.


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